Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Goodbyes, Hellos, & See You Laters

One of the most depressing things about growing up and getting close to graduating from college is that your friends slowly start to move away. While they all move away for different reasons - continuing school, work, family - it doesn't seem to make saying goodbye any easier. This weekend we said goodbye to our friend Cee who has graduated and is heading to Malaysia for a visit with her boyfriend before heading back to Zimbabwe. We all had a lovely dinner at The Bistro and then a tear filled morning with one last brunch before she headed off.

On a happier note, my friend Tiff is in town for the week. Getting to spend time with Tiffany is always an easy way to make my week a little brighter. I saw her for the first time yesterday when she stopped to visit me at work. Tiffany's visits are always insightful because we can realistically talk about our future, what needs to be done, how we can do it and how the hell we managed to grow up without even realizing it. Sometimes it feels like Tiff and I are still in high school, but then it hits me that we're grown up when we start talking about what we want for our future. 

I spent some time with Jillian, I friend of mine who also graduated this year. Luckily she'll be heading to the other side of the island for more school so I'll still get to see her when I get a chance to make it out to St. Johns. But it still won't be the same as having her around all the time and attending classes with her, or having our famous library dates. 

I've come to realize, while I'm so excited to get back to school in a month, that things are going to be so different this year. With many of my friends having graduated and moving on there will only be a few of us left and a sure sign that life is changing and that we're all growing up, whether we want to or not. 

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