Thursday, July 29, 2010


Kayla from Ramblings of a Small Town Girl has inspired me to participate in a project called Day Zero. This project encourages you to make a list of 101 specific things that you want to do in 1001 days (approximately 2.75 years). Many people have bucket lists or 25 things to do before you turn 25, but this list give you a reasonable amount of time to complete such tasks. 

It was much harder to come up with 101 things than I thought it would be. When I initially sat down to start writing my list I thought I was going to have to cut things from my list but instead it took me a few days to come up with 101 things I thought were important enough to be put on such a substantial list. 

After I looked at my list, I debated if I really wanted to commit myself to this project, so I took a look at the website and decided that maybe this is really what I need to get out of the funk I seem to be in lately. So I signed up, created a profile, and added a list. 

Starting tomorrow, Friday July 30th, 2010 - I have until April 13th, 2013 to complete the following list:

1. Fall in love
2. Buy myself a nice piece of jewelery
3. Buy something from Etsy
4. Buy a piece of Art from an Art Auction
5. Eat ice cream Sundae's with homemade ice cream
6. Spend and entire weekend watching movies
7. Shop at a farmers marker
8. Spend an afternoon reading in the sun
9. Get a tattoo
10. Dye my hair brown
11. Spend and entire afternoon in an antique store
12. Buy myself a new camera
13. Have a candlelight dinner
14. Spend an afternoon reading in the park
15. Buy a real vintage dress
16. Dance in the rain


17. Visit Europe
18. Visit two new states
19. See New York
20.  Stay overnight in a new town (within my province)
21. Visit Cape Cod
22. Take a family vacation
23. Hike Gros Morne Mountain
24. Take a week long camping trip
25. Eat at 10 new restaurants

26. Graduate with a BSc in psychology
27. Get accepted into one of my top 5 grad schools
28. Get all A’s as final grades for a semester
29. Become a member of the CPA
30. Take a course I wouldn’t normally register for

31. Visit the Museum of Natural History
32. Learn conversational French
33.Try every red wine from Portugal
34. See a Broadway production
35. Perfect an Indian dish
36. Watch and understand the Rugby World Cup
37. Learn to make an authentic dish from three different countries
38. Join a book club
39. Get a job as a bartender
40. Make 5 new desserts
41. Learn to drive a standard
42. Make curry from scratch
43. Make a soufflé
44. See a play 

45. Sponsor a child for 1001 days  (at least)
46. Donate blood 5 times
47. Volunteer once a month within my community
48. Go through my closet and donate all clothes that doesn’t fit or I no longer wear
49. Make a $100 donation to a charity every year
50. Plant a tree
51. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
52. Grow a plant
53. Bake cupcakes for a friend for no particular reason
54. Pick 5 people who have changed my life/inspired me and write them letters

Healthy Choices
55. Join a gym and go three times a week
56.  Give up all soft drinks for a month
57. Give up coffee for a month
58. Give up fast food for  a month
59. Go swimming once a month
60. Join an outdoor club or group
61. Learn to snowboard
62. Successfully complete P90X
63. Go zip lining
64. Run a half marathon
65. Be able to do 100 push ups

Money Wise
66. Put away $20 for every goal I complete
67. Start a travel fund
68. Put $25 of every cheque into the travel fund
69. Put $100 extra into the travel fund each year
70. Get a grant/scholarship for grad school
71. Have all my Christmas shopping finished by November 30th, 2010
72. DIY all my own Christmas wrapping paper and cards

73. Go on a picnic
74. Fly a kite
75. Knit a scarf
76. DIY a custom picture/bulletin board76. Make a custom recipe book
77. Make a custom recipe book
78. Make a list of 101 things I am grateful for
79. Watch all of IMDB 250 top movies
80. Read 5 biographies
81. Watch every episode of The Simpson’s
82. Read 2 Jane Austen novels
83. Watch The Godfather
84. Have (and maintain) an old-fashioned pen pal for 1001 days
85. S uccessfully complete a 30 for 30 challenge
86. Have 101 followers on my blog at the end of the 1001 days
87. Document as many of the 101 items as possible
88. Read 101 non-romance novels
89. Spend an afternoon with my Nan learning to make bread
90. Take my parents out to supper
91. Make 5 skirts (and wear them!)
92. Ask 10 friends to recommend a book and read them all
93. Host a dinner party
94. Make my own wine
95. Give a creative gift rather than buying one
96. Learn to curl my hair
97. Spend an afternoon with my mom
98. Watch a sun rise and set in the same day
99. Make pizza from scratch
100. Write a letter to myself  to open at the end of the 1001 days
101. Write another 101 list at the end of the 1oo1 days

I know that some of these are going to cost more than the others but I hope that I enjoy each and everyone of these items and that by April 13th, 2013 I have completed everything on this list. When I hit publish post I am going to pour myself a nice glass of red wine and toast to the next 1001 days. 

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