I've have had such a horrible week that I decided to take an extra day to my midterm break. I managed to find a ride home today instead of tomorrow and am skipping one class (although I made an arrangement with my prof for the missed class) because I really needed a break this week.
It seems like everything gets to me this week. It could be the smallest thing and it made me upset, and I can't count the number of times I cried over something stupid this week. So, I found a ride home and called my parents to let them know. My dad had a big glass of red wine waiting for me when I walked through the door.
I had a busy week in the library, with my first midterm break this morning, so I've decided that tomorrow is my day off. I am going to get up early, bake bread, and just flake.. maybe watch some TV, read a book, go for a run. Just do whatever I feel like. And then it's back to work on Saturday and Sunday, which includes school work and my two day midterm "break" is going to be spent studying for my four midterms the following week and preparing for my trip to St. Johns. Busy, busy, busy!
I'm also debating a new hair cut. Currently my hair is pretty long, blonde and all one layer. So, I'm thinking something drastic, maybe more highlights, layers, and shorter! Maybe some bangs! Oh, the possibilities. I'm just really ready for a change. Some mid-semester blues have started to take over. But I am so excited for a day relaxation tomorrow!
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